
Showing posts from July, 2020

EPM Integration Agent: Configuration tips

EPM Integration Agent was introduced sometime last year providing ability to connect to in-premise data sources. Though the tool has ability to connect to third party REST APIs via Groovy or Jython scripting but I assume the majority of the use cases would be to connect to relational databases, usually warehouses which had been used to feed data to various reporting and planning applications in the in-premise world. Unless clients move to any cloud based ERP, the data warehouses  are going to stay for a while and the need to pull data too. Oracle provides connectivity for Oracle and MSSQL server by default, but what about other data sources? Other than scripting, if any data source offers SQL capability, we can essentially pull data. I had a recent experience connecting to Netezza database via Integration Agent and thought of sharing some quick tips I learnt during this exercise. Integration Agent Port Agent requires a port to communicate and by default it is 9090. Many organisatio...

Groovy Series 7: Submit Groovy generated rules to Essbase

Ever since Groovy functionality was introduced with Planning cloud, it has evolved over a period of time, offering new capabilities and methods to achieve what was not possible with traditional Calc script rules. Sometime, I have been asked “Is Groovy a replacement for Essbase Calc scripts” and my answer is a big ‘NO’. Groovy should not be perceived as a replacement to Calc script, rather consider it a booster which enhances user experience and provides flexibility to dynamically generate Calc scripts and improves performance. Calc scripts are an integral part of how we run calculations on Essbase, whether we generate the code dynamically using Groovy or stick to traditional scripting. Lets look at different ways to submit these Calcs to Essbase and how Groovy has evolved. R eturn method This had been the oldest and default method until May 2019 when Job Factory class was introduced. Justifying its name, this method is used to submit a dynamically generated Calc script to Essbase for e...